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When we talk about streaming platforms to watch our films and series. Do you prioritize the amount of content or the quality? How to pick the best service

Do you pick quality over contents (quantity), especially when it comes to your choice of streaming platforms? With millions of videos on streaming platforms, it is a bit tricky to find just the right movie, film or documentary to suit your fancy, or ignite a particular emotion in you. It is therefore good to have a wide range of items to pick from.

However, mediocre content gets boring and you just want to see something great, that hits a nerve, and that’s why quality is important. Now, we are stuck with a wide range of seen-it-all-before stuff, because people want to churn out contents, even though quality is supposed to matter. Content is king, but the quality of this content is the Kingdom. Now, who’s a king without a kingdom? Content quantity diminishes quality, and has a lower impact.

NowTV catalogue review

NowTV offers the King and a Kingdom quantity with great quality in TV, films and streaming, internet and hosting. Although, streaming services do their best in putting out good contents, some do so more than the rest. Click here for NowTV catalogue review

Other streaming platforms with an advantage of quality over quantity are a great place for a relaxing and fulfilling screen time. Quality could be in terms of a high picture resolution, or in terms of how creative a particular content is. These platforms cater to your quality needs creative or resolution.

A lot of streaming platforms are more focused on competition. When looking for a good TV, fewer choice may not be a bad thing as long as you are promised quality and you get value for your money. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and Disney+ over great contents, but there are other excellent choices to pick from. These choices are not without their pros and cons. For example, some are better for those who love TV shows, while others are a better fit for movie buffs.

The success if video streaming services depends largely not on the  quantity if the contents in its library, but rather on the quality. There are thousands of things available one the internet for consumption, quality however dictates if people will keep coming back. Knowing how to pick the best service is tied to what you love and your preference. If you are a sport lover, you can subscribe to your sports, and if you are a movie lover, video streaming services are readily available. Some streaming platforms avail your sports and videos to you, depending on how much you are willing to pay, but some are more streamlined even though you can find other categories there: Netflix offers Originals, Hulu; TV shows, HBO max; movies, Disney Plus; Family Entertainment, ESPN plus; sports, Amazon Prime Video; value, and of course YouTube offers live TV.

Here are some of the things to consider; price, recommendation system, selection, optimized interface, programming, ads/commercials, and of course, contents and quality (picture resolution). It is therefore pertinent to say that you get the value for your money on any of these streaming platforms you might settle for.